Third installment of the series of four articles that I have been dedicating to those parameters of music that intervene in...
Second installment of this small series that I am dedicating to those parameters of music that are the “culprits” of...
I begin this series of four articles dedicated to those elements that make the flamenco sounds like that, flamenco...
If we talk about the antiquity of the styles of the genre flamenco, which came first, the chicken or the egg? We could...
There is nothing wrong with adapting to the times, you don't play with food. Another thing...
I will assume the coordination of the Academy of ExpoFlamenco, which will offer a wide variety of courses taught by experienced teachers...
Serranito, Pilar López or Manolete belong to that unfortunately numerous club of the ignored artists flamencos of great height...
Living a long decade alongside a genius like Gades has been the greatest gift I have ever had...
Art money is sacred and should be monitored so that not a single euro is lost. What is...
There is a before and after 'Omega' in the life and work of Morente. Although many wonder if...