El Viso warms up for its 38th ‘Festival de Cante Grande’
The festival Will be headlined by El Cabrero, Pedro el Granaíno and María Terremoto, together with local cantaor Antonio Mattress.

The Constitution Park in El Viso is ready for the new edition of its Cante Grande Festival, which will take place this Saturday, September 8, at 10 PM. Organized by the Culture Council of El Viso of Alcor’s City Hall and Peña Flamenca “El Rincón del Pilar” , this 38 th edition will be headed by José Domínguez Muñoz “El Cabrero”.
Together with the cantaor from Aznalcóllar, who has been to regulate in the flamenco festivals of Andalusia this summer, will be Pedro el Granaíno, the young and great cantaora from Jerez, María Terremoto, and the local cantaor Antonio Mattress.
The guitarists will be Manuel Herrera, Nono de Jero and José Luis Scott, and palms will be by Manuel Valencia and Manuel Cantarote. Baile will be in charge of María Jesús Bonilla’s flamenco ensemble The festival’s poster was created by the local artist Isabel María Moreno Alcaide.
The gala will be presented by the journalist Sara Arguijo.
Admission will be by donation, on behalf of the Peña Flamenca “El Rincón del Pilar” : 5 euros in advance and 8 euros at box office from 9 PM onwards.