Online edition of Chile’s Flamenco Guitar Festival
Bulerías, colombianas, alegrías, soleás and tanguillos, among other flamenco rhythms, will be performed by fourteen Chilean guitarists. The festival will take place on August 1st and August 8th and it will be broadcasted on TVON

After the great success of the first online Flamenco AflachFest in June 2020, the Chile Flamenco Association, Aflach, will hold the third edition of its Flamenco Guitar Festival, this time to be broadcasted on the digital platform TVON, at 8 PM local time (GMT -4).
Besides gathering the talent, art and virtuosity of fourteen professionals of Chile’s flamenco guitar, the Festival wishes to add a great number of spectators, and also increase the donations to the Solidarity Fund that Aflach has setup in behalf of flamenco professionals who are experiencing financial hardship due to the pandemic and the suspension of cultural activities in that country.
This moment of introspection currently being experienced in our days is reflected in this edition of the Festival, which will exclusively feature Chilean artists. In the words of Alberto Faraggi, guitarist and director of Aflach, “just like the circumstances have demanded, we have turned to ourselves, reinforcing our art based on our roots. We are more united than ever, helping each other”.
For the first time, theaters and music halls yield their place to a virtual space. Among the advantages brought by the Internet, musicians from other regions of the country will be able to participate, besides those in the capital. “The greatest and nicest thing provided by the Internet is enabling us to feature guitarists from other cities who, in normal circumstances, perhaps would not be able to attend. Now they will be present, showcasing their art”, stated Faraggi.
The growth of flamenco students and aficionados in Chile is clear, as it can be attested by the numerous flamenco schools and professionals that can be found from Arica to Punta Arenas. The increasing number of flamenco guitarists is noteworthy. “There are more of us now than ten or fifteen years ago. There are three renowned Chilean guitarists who fill us with pride and inspire all of us: Claudio Villanueva and Andrés Hernández ‘Pituquete’, who settled in Spain, and Jorge Bravo, a master who is currently living in London”, concluded Faraggi.
The making of this 3rd Flamenco Guitar Festival organized by Aflach crowns the relationship of friendship, comradeship and solidarity that has blossomed among the professionals of this art in Chile.
Those who are able and willing to contribute to Aflach’s Solidarity Fund can do so with a deposit or bank transfer to the name of Vania Perret. Account RUT 17518280. Banco Estado. RUT 17518280-2. Email:
Program of Chile’s Flamenco Guitar Festival
Saturday, August 1st, 8 PM (GMT -4) on Tvon
- Cesar Martínez (Viña del Mar)
- Cristián Ramírez (Villa Alemana)
- Andrés Parodi (Valparaíso)
- Zepe Díaz (Chiloé)
- Juan Pablo Luna (Santiago)
- Alberto Faraggi (Santiago)
- Chasca Ortega (Concepción)
Saturday, August 8th, 8 PM (GMT -4) on Tvon
- Juan Pablo “Morete” Cofré (Santiago)
- Daniel Remedy (Santiago)
- Daniel Muñoz (Santiago)
- Cristián Soto (Santiago)
- Christian Bravo (Valparaíso)
- Sina Shirazi (Santiago)
- Alejandro Castro (Santiago)
AFLACH – Asociación de Flamenco de Chile is a non-profit association open to all flamenco professionals, students and aficionados resident in Chile. Its goal is to unite flamencos from all over the country, promote flamenco in Chile and support the flamenco artists who are members of the association in the development of their activities.
Image above: guitarist Alberto Faraggi, director of Aflach (photo courtesy of Aflach)