Flamenco BBK schedules five concerts in Bilbao for its 15th edition
The Sala BBK series starts on March 11th with cantaora Esperanza Fernández and closes with bailaor Marco Flores on May 22nd. Farru, Remedios Amaya, El Choro, La Fabi, Diego del Morao, among others, will also perform

The 15th edition of Flamenco BBK will have a diverse and interesting lineup. The Sala BBK venue in Bilbao (Basque Country) has scheduled five great shows between March and May in a program focusing on the diversity and quality of its performers, featuring artistic expressions ranging from traditional flamenco to the fringes of other musical genres.
The program starts on Wednesday, March 11th with Flamen&Co, a show directed by Esperanza Fernández, cantaora from Triana, which will be performed for the second time after three weeks of great success in Japan. This show features bailaores Ana Morales and Antonio Molina El Choro, who will be joined by the guitar of Miguel Ángel Cortés and the percussion of Miguel Fernández.
After five years on tour, Antonio Fernández Montoya Farru will perform for the last time his production Por un sueño, a milestone in his career, on Friday, March 27th, with Remedios Amaya as invited guest, Antonio Villar and Ezequiel Chanito in cante, José Gálvez at the guitar and Israel Suarez Piraña in charge of percussion.
On Thursday, April 23rd, the Sala BBK stage will host a fusion of Cuban and flamenco music titled FlamenCuba, featuring renowned performers of Latin jazz and flamenco: the piano of Caramelo de Cuba, the sax of Perico Sambeat and the double bass of Javier Colina will join the cante of Kiki Cortiñas, the percussion of Bandolero, the guitar of Melón Jiménez, the voice of Amanda Gaviria and the art of Dayana Febres, bailaora from Venezuela, now settled in Bilbao.
The event focusing on flamenco guitar and cante will take place on Thursday, May 7th, starring Israel Fernández, La Fabi and Diego del Morao, who will perform together and individually.
Finally, on Friday, May 22nd, the bailaor and choreographer Marco Flores will present his show Rayuela, which will be premiered at the Festival de Jerez where, directed by Francisco López and advised by choreographer Olga Pericet, the brothers David and Alfredo Lagos will perform in a five-part dramatic sequence illustrating his 20-year career.
All shows will start at 8 PM. Tickets can be purchased for € 25 at box office, at the Kutxabank ATMs or from www.salabbk.es, with a 15% discount for Kutxabank cardholders. The organization of this series is part of BBK’s (Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa) commitment in behalf of culture, in this case supporting all the initiatives contributing to scenic arts and music, as in the case of the traditional Flamenco BBK series, one of the longest and most successful programs of its kind, acclaimed by the public and critics alike.
Image above: BBK Facebook page