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Casa de la Memoria welcomes the exhibition ‘Nublao de tiniebla y pedernal’

The unusual exhibition in Seville combines flamenco and performance, popular culture and contemporary art. Objects and activities revolving around performative flamenco. It will be running for eight months…

The Cultural Flamenco Centre Casa de La Memoria de Al-Andalus, found in the centre of Seville, welcomes an unprecedented exhibition in the Andalusian capital between 19th October 2021-19th June 2022. Named Nublao de tiniebla y pedernal (Cloudy spell of darkness and flint) after a quote from the famous song Ay, pena, penita, pena by Quintero, León and Quiroga, the display combines flamenco and performance with popular culture and contemporary art. Rubén Barroso, the exhibition curator, considers the title to be “a pretext leading the way to the heart of two complex and expansive worlds, artistic disciplines which have been dominated, each on their own, by multiple experiences and have stood the test of time due to their flexible nature and ability to serve as a vehicle between culture and cultures. Navigating flamequismos, jondismos and performance attitudes.”


The exhibition, which officially opened on Tuesday 19th October at 9pm in the Casa de la Memoria’s facilities – including a performance from dancer Cristina Hall – and will be active until 19th June 2022, will be complimented by monthly activities offering a broad view of performative flamenco: performances, lectures, dialogues, presentations…the exhibition project is spread across three rooms. One of these is dedicated to a dialogue between the rich collection of the Casa de la Memoria with some pieces by contemporary artists.


Nublao de tiniebla y pedernal is a performative, living exhibition crossed with the works of different – mostly female – artists, seeking the clash between our cultural forms, between their past and present, shaping this vision of flamenco from a contemporary artistic practice. This unusual exhibition on the Sevilian art scene is made up by photographs, ceramic objects, sculptures, design, installation, sound installation, films, videos, and specific projects which have been carried out specially.


The participating artists in the exhibition are Cristina Hall (San Francisco), Arturo Comas (Seville), Adelaide Maresca (Naples), Eleonore Ozanne (Paris), Ernesto Rosa (Seville), Marta Gómez Rangel (Seville), Las Ciervas (Seville), Angela Muñoz (Seville), Nieves Correa and Abel Loureda (Madrid-Segovia), Franziska Siegrist (Oslo, Norway), María J. López Hierro (Huelva), Alba Navas (Seville), Martine Viale (France), Marianela P. (Seville), Irene Lázaro (Cordoba) and Núñezdedios (La Puebla de Cazalla, Seville).


La Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus, as a cultural centre dedicated to the different disciplines and aspects of popular culture and flamenco, commits to contemporary art with this display, opening the spectrum of possibilities and audiences in the magnificent exhibition rooms of their headquarters in La Campana, right in the heart of Seville. This space is run by the Granadan Rosana de Aza, who holds an undergraduate degree in Spanish Language and Literature and History of Art, a Masters in Visual Arts Education, and is vice president of the National Association of Flamenco Tablaos. As for the exhibition’s curator, Rubén Barroso, he is an artist and project manager, gallery owner, director Fonoteca’s Contenedores Festival in Seville, and boasts 35 years’ experience in the field of art and contemporary Andalusian culture.



Exhibition Facts

Nublao de tiniebla y pedernal

Exhibition and series of flamenco performances

Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus (Calle Cuna, 6 – 41004 Sevilla)

Opening: 19th October 2021 (active until 19th June 2022), 9pm

Organiser: Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus

Curator: Rubén Barroso


Translation: Lauren Bleakley




Portal global de arte flamenco. El conocimiento y la pasión. La jondura y la pena. El pellizco y la fiesta. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.