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20th Flamenco Festival Nueva York postponed until fall

Flamenco Festival Nueva York, like so many other major events scheduled for these days, has been affected by the situation of global prevention and sanitary alert created by the spreading of coronavirus COVID-19 infections.

In coordination with the venues and theaters scheduled to host this event in New York, Boston, Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Irvine, Sarasota and Chicago, as well as with the participating companies, and following the recommendations and restrictions of the authorities in charge of public health and safety, the Festival considers unavoidable to postpone the shows scheduled for the next few weeks, due to the impossibility of Spanish artists entering the country, and is working on rescheduling new dates for next fall.

Between March 12th and April 5th, under the slogan Breaking walls, uniting worlds, the 20th edition of Flamenco Festival Nueva York was scheduled to take place. A total of 30 companies were part of a complex project which planned to take over 8 different cities with shows in over 32 venues, making Flamenco Festival the main cultural event in New York.

After 20 years of hard work, Flamenco Festival is now regularly featured in the programs of important venues all over the world, promoting its artist on the international stage. Up to now, Flamenco Festival has performed 696 shows and presented 137 companies in 90 different venues around the globe, led by all the great flamenco stars of the last 20 years: artists at the peak of their careers such as Sara Baras, Miguel Poveda, Vicente Amigo, Eva Yerbabuena, Estrella Morente, Carmen Linares, Tomatito, María Pagés, Manuela Carrasco, Israel Galván, Gerardo Núñez, Carmen Cortés, Rocío Molina, Olga Pericet, Rocío Márquez, Rosalía and Rafaela Carrasco, as well as geniuses that are no longer with us, such Paco de Lucía and Enrique Morente.

Flamenco Festival New York 2020 is backed by EXTENDA (Junta de Andalucía’s Agency for the International Promotion of Andalusia), INAEM (Ministry of Culture and Sport), with the collaboration of Turismo de Sevilla, the SGAE Foundation, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, Acción Cultural Española AC/E, the Cervantes Institute, Almazaras de la Subbética, Granada Tourism Provincial Trust, the Council of the Presidency, Culture and Equality of the Balearic Islands through the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, Huelva City Council, Granada City Council / Granada Tourism, AECID, AIE, New York’s Spanish Consulate, the Harkness Foundation of Dance, the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Ramón Llull Institute, Cosentino and Fun & Money; as well as the support of the New York City Center, The Town Hall, NYU Skirball, the Baryshnikov Arts Center, the Lincoln Center, Jazz at Lincoln Center-Dizzy’s Club, Repertorio Español, Joe’s Pub, the World Music Institute, The Graduate Center, 92Y, Drom, Robert Browing Associates, Brookfield Place and Live Sounds.



Portal global de arte flamenco. El conocimiento y la pasión. La jondura y la pena. El pellizco y la fiesta. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.